Painting of Jon Herringer

A Little About Me!

Hi! My name is Jon Herringer and I am a full-stack web developer! I am interested in every aspect of building an application or website from beginning to end.. I greatly enjoy working with others to accomplish well-rounded, interactive webpages and applications.

My skills include; Databases (MySQL, MongoDB, postgreSQL, and sqlite), Server Side Development (Node.js, Express, MERN Stack), Browser Based Technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, React, React Libraries, and Bootstrap), Deployment (Heroku, Git), Java, Quality Assurance (Writing Tests), and Internet Marketing (SEO, Semantic HTML). I also have experience using design programs such as; Balsamiq, Sketch, Photoshop, and Krita.

Here are a few projects that I have worked on!


This group application is integrated with multiple API's (Google Maps, Google Places, and a trivia API) in an attempt to get friends together at various different breweries, pubs, bars, etc to enjoy a game of trivia. The application will take in your location and display nearby places to get a drink, give you directions, and then start a game of trivia when you get to your location!

Check out the code here!

Quill IMS

An inventory management application with secured login using and back-end database. We used SHA256 and salt to protect user passwords, HTML/CSS/Bootstrap for the front-end, MySQL/Sequelize for the database, Express for data modeling, as well as Node.

Check out the code here!

Jj's Build Bot | A Discord Bot

I started working on this bot for a online game community I am a part of to help people within the community create and save character builds quickly and easily. This bot utilizes javascript and a backend database to store, display, erase, and suggest certain character abilities and builds. For the backend I built a bot with both postgreSQL and sqlite. For the current iteration I stayed with postgreSQL but I'm in the middle of transitioning to sqlite as it makes more sense for my application.

Check out the code here! | A Community Gaming Website

I started working on this site when a friend of mine asked for some extra help developing. This fully responsive site is written with React and a number of other plug-ins and technology that we have used to provide really awesome features to visitors. From linking and showing currently online livestreams, to a fully interactive world map, and many others, I've helped here and there to patch up holes and provide another set of eyes. I've also helped with bug testing, UI design, and database development.

Check out the site here!

Train Scheduler | A firebase application

This application utilizes Firebase as a back-end database along with Javascript and jQuery to schedule trains, input new trains, calculate future arrivals and how far away those arrivals are.

Check out the deployed page here! | Check out the code here!

The Superhero Place | An API application

One of my favorite projects that I've worked on, this application utilizes multiple AJAX calls to display top gifs and information on any superhero. I used HTML/CSS for the front-end, Javascript/jQuery for the back end, and AJAX to make GET calls to two API's for information before displaying them on the page. | CORS is required for the second API call to recieve Superhero information

You can check out the application here! | You can check out the code here!

Liri | A node application

Liri is a node application I used to search Twitter,OMDB, and Spotify for tweets, movies, and songs respectively. Utilizing Javascript, node, and multiple functions to make calls to these API's yields a cool little application. It also gave me some great problem solving practice in figuring out how to make searches with multiple words or characters seperated by spaces without throwing errors.

You can check out the code here!

Bamazon | A node/mySQL application

This application uses Inquirer/mySQL along with node to create a virtual storefront. Gaining practice creating and linking a SQL database, as well as seeding and filling that database, along with playing around with Inquirer made this a very fun little application. With an added difficulty layer of sending information and logs to a virtual "Sale Department" this became a nice, well-rounded small scale application.

You can check out the code here!

Color Swatch Project | A React/Node.js Application

This application uses React on the front end paired with Styled Components to build an interface to look through and inspect color swatches. With the hex code provided as a label and a more detailed view when you click on the swatches. For the backend I initally built out a TypeScript backend to learn TypeScript but switched to a more simple node.js/mongoose/express backend to run my API and gather data from my mongoDB database.

You can check out the application here! | You can check out the code here!